The Hayssen Family Tree
Diedrich Bernhard Albert Hayssen [Parents].
They had the following children.
F i Ute Hiltrud Elise Hayssen. F ii Hille Alma Charlotte Hayssen.
Gertrud Margarete Helene Hayssen [Parents].
Hayo Hinrich Wilhelm Hayssen [Parents].
They had the following children.
M i Hayo Hayssen.
Gerd Achgelis [Parents].
They had the following children.
F i Ivesa Renate Achgelis. F ii Hanneliese Achgelis.
Melchior Hinrich Achgelis [Parents].
Hedwig Margarete Angelika Schmitt.
Oltger Lübbe Haxsen [Parents].
They had the following children.
M i Hans Haxsen.
Gerold Friedrich Eduard Haxsen [Parents].
They had the following children.
F i Almut Haxsen. F ii Dorte Haxsen.
Gerd Hinrich Onnen-Lübben [Parents] was born on 05 Mar 1939 in Sürwürden. He died on 08 Oct 1982. Gerd married Freya Franzius on 25 Aug 1966. |
Freya Franzius [Parents].
They had the following children.
F i Inse Onnen-Lübben. F ii Anneke Onnen-Lübben. M iii Carsten Onnen-Lübben. F iv Alcke Onnen-Lübben.
Klaus Schulz was born on 16 Mar 1932. He died in 1983. Klaus married Almut Helene Onnen-Lübben on 08 Jun 1962. |
Almut Helene Onnen-Lübben [Parents].
They had the following children.
M i Harald Schulz. M ii Henning Schulz.
Irmgard Onnen-Lübben [Parents].
They had the following children.
M i Ingo Richter. F ii Imke Richter.