The Hayssen Family Tree
Heike Christine Ziese [Parents].
They had the following children.
F i Marike Anna Meier.
Dörte Annette Ziese [Parents].
They had the following children.
F i Amelie Sophie Catherine Barth. F ii Eltje Marie Lousie Barth. M iii Jan Hinrich Jasper Barth.
Inge Helene Röben [Parents].
They had the following children.
M i Christian Georg Wilhelm Janssen. F ii Talcke Janssen. M iii Claus Theye Sönke Janssen. M iv Karl Friedrich Tobias Janssen.
Christian Georg Wilhelm Janssen [Parents].
They had the following children.
F i Anna Janssen. F ii Katharina Janssen. M iii Marlin Janssen.
Talcke Janssen [Parents].
They had the following children.
M i Arturo Almecija-Janssen. M ii Carlos Almecija-Janssen.
Claus Theye Sönke Janssen [Parents].
They had the following children.
M i Felix Janssen.
Horst Friedrich Griesemann was born on 19 Jan 1921 in Magdeburg. He died on 27 Aug 1977 in Wilhelmshaven. Horst married Maria Elisabeth Röben on 29 May 1956 in Zetel. |
Maria Elisabeth Röben [Parents].
They had the following children.
M i Johannes Erich Wilhelm Griesemann. M ii Jörn Friedrich Griesemann.
Johannes Erich Wilhelm Griesemann [Parents].
They had the following children.
M i Till Griesemann. F ii Hilla Griesemann.
Jörn Friedrich Griesemann [Parents].
They had the following children.
M i Paul Henning Griesemann. F ii Carla Mia Maxima Griesemann. F iii Emma Eni Mette Griesemann.
Wilhelm Heinrich Röben [Parents].
Other marriages:Müller, Elsa
Queren, Josy